The same simple design has been used for windshield wipers for decades. And while this is clearly a reliable and effective design, modern technology has enabled us to do better.
Electronic motor control is now so performant that it can be used to replace many mechanical solutions. This leads to more efficient mechanisms, lower part counts, and better reliability.
Conventional Windshield Wipers
One rotation direction is used with conventional wiper drives, and the wiper direction is reversed when the crank switches sides.
The new wipers’ mechanical components require less space to work because they employ electronically controlled motors that can reverse the rotation direction at the wiper’s turning point.
No matter how hard or fast the wind is blowing or how much friction is present, the window area is always visible due to the electronic controller.
The area that is swept by the wipers can actually be increased by lowering the tolerance distance and altering the wiping angle. Objects such as snow that would normally provide obstructions can be detected by the controller.
The reversing points provide a way for the controller to avoid blocking by making the wipers sweep less of the window. In order to make the system as quiet as possible, before a reversal happens, the motor is slowed down.
When paired with a rain sensor, the electronic speed controller works quite well in operating continuously at a variable speed while keeping in mind how much water has gathered on the windshield.
Two motor wiper systems can also be used when there is an electronically controlled wiper motor. The controller works in sync with each wiper arm, which both have a drive unit of their own.
Advantages Over Conventional Wipers
- Connecting rods aren’t needed for the system to work.
- Less space is needed.
- It has lighter weight.
Features & Benefits
The wipers can be put in place under the bonnet’s trailing edge when they’re turned off. This is called an extended parking position, and it’s a useful extra feature for wipers. Vehicles have better aerodynamics with the wipers parked in this position because of a reduction in driving noise. Drivers can even see more with the wipers parked, which lowers the risk of accidents caused by vehicle collisions or drivers hitting a pedestrian.