It spawned powerful new tech. 1760-1840, America introduced industrial processes. Industrialisation and technological advancement had also harmed the environment.
These innovations have harmed our planet’s resources.
Excess CO2, CO, NO, and methane enter the earth’s atmosphere. Some of the major sources are fossil fuels and automobiles. Air pollution harms animal health and contributes to global warming.
Anthropogenic pollution of lakes, waterways, oceans, and groundwater. Insecticides and pesticides pollute water. Untreated wastewater can harm aquatic ecosystems. Diseases like typhoid and eutrophication harm this same food chain.
Resource Depletion
Technology drains resources. It takes longer to replenish resources. Natural resources are renewable and non-renewable. There is aquifer loss, deforestation, fossil fuel exploitation, soil erosion, and resource overconsumption. The use of water and fossil fuels generates this.
Population growth accelerates resource depletion. So the global eco-footprint will be 1.5 times a earth’s capacity to sustainable way feed each human. Large-scale mineral & oil exploration has depleted natural reserves. People dig deeper to get more minerals, causing several more resources to be become scarce.
World Bank estimates global forest loss of 2 million km2 between 1990 & 2015. Population growth encourages logging and land clearing for housing. Loss of CO2 absorbing trees has killed thousands of species & animals.
Emerging environmental technology solutions are assisting in the transition to a more sustainable, limited economic system. It is the development of new technology solutions to preserve, monitor, and reduce the negative environmental impacts of technology.
Climate change mitigation requires virtually all of the nation to keep global mean temperature increase below 2°C.
This section will highlight technology’s positive environmental impact.
They are all renewable energy. Technological advances such as solar panels, water and wind turbines can harness this natural energy and convert it to electricity or heat.
Renewable energy sources by now generate over 20% of UK electricity and will reach 30% by 2020. While many renewable technologies are huge, renewable technologies also are suitable for remote areas and developing countries.
Cheaper solar and wind energy spurs government investment. Up to 2017, over 1.6 million Australian rooftop solar systems were installed.

Tech Smart
To save electricity while meeting user needs, each of these devices can be remotely controlled and monitored
The Internet of Things collects and shares data via sensor technologies. Using real-time data, network devices can ‘judge’. Smart lighting systems and thermostats that keep homes at a set temperature all the day save energy.
WiFi, Bluetooth, & sensor technologies in buildings enable this green technology. Urban areas will soon be interrelated with cars and some other devices like air conditioners & lights.
Eco Technology
By raising global awareness and creating global virtual laboratories, the internet can help the environment. Remote collaboration is possible for many experts. Virtual meetings reduce travel and thus pollution.
The eco-friendly electrical vehicles runs on electric motors and batteries. Since 2008, pollution and GHG emissions have motivated electric car production.
Electric vehicles emit no CO2, reducing a ‘greenhouse effect’ & global warming. They also don’t pollute the air, making them safer for people/animals/plants.
The government recently introduced incentives for fully electric development and use. As of 2018, there are more electric charging stations than petrol stations in the US, according to Bloomberg.
Direct Air Capture
Direct CO2 extraction from the environment has been discussed for years, but only recently realised and also is currently in development.
It collects CO2 from the air & concentrates this for storage or use. Huge fans extract CO2. This method could regulate automotive exhaust, for example. A full-scale DAC can be absorb 250,000 cars’ CO2 annually.
Since CO2 in the air is indeed the main culprit, many believe DAC has been vital for mitigating climate change. However, some argue that DAC may actually increase emissions by making us believe they will be completely eliminated.
Eco Technology
However, new environmental technologies such as renewable energy, smart logistics, & electric mobility can help the decarbonize our economy and avoid further harm.
Isn’t it great to be green?
To maximize positive impact of technology, sensors are required to monitor and eliminate harmful behaviours. Gas detection technique is used in the numerous applications that help the environment. This article discusses a methane detection infrared sensor and a UAV drone.
- IR emission
- It measures CO, CO2, & CH4. Contact us for more information
- Infrared Methane Sensors
- It is used to identify methane in so many applications by Edinburgh Sensors
- UAV gas detection
Many reasons exist for using a drone to monitor Carbon dioxide, methane, and some hydrocarbon gas levels.